Educational Resources
Computer and Programmer Resources:

Computer News, Reference and Resources - Resources for computer users, developers, programers and webmasters. Computer, Internet and Programing Tutorials, Free software, free scripts, free source code and more.Computer Reference - Resources for computer users, developers, programers and webmasters. Computer, Internet and Programing Tutorials, Free software, free scripts, free source code and more.Programmer Resources - Resources for computer programers, developers and webmasters. Computer, Internet and Programing Tutorials, Free software, free scripts, free source code and more.
Education Resources: - State information resource links to state homepage, symbols, flags, maps, constitutions, representitives, songs, birds, flowers, trees.5000 Free SAT Words - Nonprofit org. provides free vocabulary-building course/material. 5,000 Words. 7 hours of audio. FREE SAT Math Class.American Civil War - The American Civil war was fought over the right to own slaves and not State rights no matter how they try to spin it. Learn the facts about the American Civil War, the leaders, the events, and the laws that helped shape America.Ancient History - Learn the facts about ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, China, other empires, their contributions, their leaders, the events, and the laws that helped shape present day.Black American History - Learn more about the people, the events, and the laws that helped shape - Official Homepage for Discovery. Watch Full Episodes FREE with your TV subscription. Get Behind the Scenes with Your Favorite Shows! Start Exploring Now!Education Place - Pre-K-8 elementary educational resources for teachers, students, and - This is the home page for Free-Ed.Net -- a place to begin a long and rewarding journey.Free Medical Journals - Over 4000 free medical journals. Daily presentations of new journals. Free subscription to the journal alerts.How Stuff Works - Explains thousands of topics, ranging from the flu to black holes to conspiracy theories, with video and illustrations so you can learn how everything - Use our free graduate school search engine to find top Master’s & PhD’s in Business, Psychology, Healthcare, Social Work, Education & more. Flexible schedules, online, & accelerated programs.Mexican History - Learn more about Mexican History their contributions, their leaders, the events, and the laws that helped shape Mexico.Native American History - Learn the facts about Native Americans, their contributions, their leaders, the events, and the laws that helped shape America.
Racism in America - Learn the facts about Racism in America, the events and laws that helped shape America.
Slavery in America - Learn the facts about Slavery, the people, the leaders, the events, and the laws that helped shape America.Syvum - Online Education, Interactive Learning and homework help for K-12, Colleges and University Students through Quizzes , Activities , Games & Free Online Quiz ContestsWorld History - Learn more about world the leaders, the events, and the laws that helped shape our world.
Grants and Financial Aid:
11 Awesome Education Grants to Apply for This Summer - As final exams wrap up and students and educators part ways for the summer, it’s natural for educators to want to take a breath and unwind from a hectic.Black Excel - College help network for black, minority students to gain admission and scholarships to college.College - Apply to receive funding for attending a college or university. If eligible, you can get financial aid and not have to pay it back.Education Lego - List of Popular Education Grants - This site provides a variety of science related grants available through multiple organizations. The information is sorted by deadline and shows the category and grade levels for the funding.Edvisors: Financial Aid, Student Loans and College Scholarships - Edvisors helps students and parents make informed decisions about ways to pay for college costs and financial aid, including scholarships and student loans.FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid - Apply now! Federal Student Aid has more than $150 billion available to help you pay for school.Find Grants - We are Passionate Funding Matchmakers. We are All Things Funding.NEA Foundation Other Grant & Fellowship Opportunities - Founding sources for educators compiled by the NEA Foundation, a public charity founded by educators for educators to improve public education.National Association of State Grant & Aid Programs (NASSGAP) - The National Association of State Student Grant and Aid Programs (NASSGAP) is a non-profit organization established to promote and improve high standards in the administration and operation of state student grant and aid programs. Promote, strengthen, encourage and enhance high standards of performance in administration and operation of government-sponsored postsecondary student financial aid, access, and/or completion programs to the end that the benefits of these programs shall be available to students in all the states for the purpose of expanding and furthering postsecondary educational opportunities.Sallie Mae - Is a student loan company with over 40 years of providing student loans for college, supporting graduate and undergraduate study, and more. Apply for a Sallie Mae student loan today!U.S. Department of Education Student Loans, Forgiveness - Guide to information on student aid.
Parent and Teacher Resources:
A to Z Teacher Stuff - Is a teacher-created site designed to help teachers find online resources more quickly and easily. Find lesson plans, thematic units, teacher tips, discussion forums for teachers, downloadable teaching materials & eBooks, printable worksheets and blacklines, emergent reader books, themes, and more.A0KTeacher Stuff - Resources for Teachers, Educators and Parents - Free Stuff for Teachers, Resources for parents, teachers and homeschooled. The purpose of this site is to provide teachers, educators with resources to work with their students or children. It contains resources for reading, math, science, online reference books, online teacher certification, special needs children information, and freebies for teachers.Alphabet Soup - Is a site for the young and the young at heart!Art Teacher on the Net - Where Learning is Fun! Professional Development Workshops for Librarians, Museum Staff, TEAchers, Volunteers, and Staff.Asian American Parent Association (AAPA) - his organization is dedicated to providing a better learning environment for our elementary, middle and high school students so that they will be well equipped to becoming contributing successful citizens and future leaders. Our emphasis was initially directed towards the needs of the Asian community but the scope of our programs and our general goals step beyond ethnic boundries.Ask the Preschool Teacher - 'cause it's hard to teach them alone. Ask a Preschool teacher or our visitors your preschool related question. Ask a preschool teacher and get a response from a qualified preschool teacher.Awesome Library - Awesome Library organizes 37,000 carefully reviewed resources, including the top 5 percent for K-12 teachers, students, parents, and librarians.Community Learning Network (CLN) - The primary focus of the Community Learning Network (CLN) is to help K-12 teachers integrate Information Technology into their classrooms. This CLN subject page provides access to curricular and instructional materials in the broad subject area of Business Education as well as in many of its specific themes/topics.Education World - connecting educators to what works. K-12 education resources, lessons and news. Classroom strategies and innovation for teachers all over the world.FamilyEducation - Trusted by millions of parents as the destination for expert parenting advice and playful learning ideas for every age and stage.SchoolsNet - Schools guide UK: Find UK best schools, top schools list with school ratings. Parents read & write school reviews. School lessons list for teachers & children.The Virtual Gallery Post Pictures 4 Free - Place a free picture at the virtual art gallery a cost-effective B2B HUB for artists. Sales Agents see arts and crafts, services, and information resources. artist and crafts people can advertise here.
Reference - Free reference resources, encyclopedias, dictionaries, libraries, museums and more
CollegeXpress - Making the college search easier with our state-of-the-art search tools, $7 billion scholarship database, college rankings and lists, and awesome expert advice. Create your profile and get recruited.College Scholarship Search - Find scholarships, other financial aid and internships from more than 2,200 programs, totaling nearly $6 billion.BrokeScholar - Search for College Scholarships & Financial Aid. Easy to use college scholarship search engine. Access $2.5 billion in scholarships for college students in 2016. Find scholarships instantly!FinAid - The SmartStudent Guide to Financial Aid, is the most comprehensive free resource for objective and unbiased information, advice and tools about student financial aid, college scholarships and education - Find schools and get information on the program that's right for you. (It's fast and free!)Guaranteed Scholarships and Financial Aid - A listing of guaranteed scholarships, financial aid, grants, and awards offered by colleges and universities, available to all students meeting the stated scholarship criteria.Post Graduate Search - Finding the finances to study a postgraduate degree may seem difficult, but there’s actually range of funding available. From loans and grants, to scholarships and bursaries, there’s a variety of both re-payable and non-repayable funding out there for postgraduate students. So explore this dedicated funding section to find out more and to search for scholarships to help you get into further study. How to fund your postgraduate study, complete with scholarship search, bursaries information, student finance advice and postgrad funding guides.Online College Scholarships - At our goal is to provide the latest and most up to date information regarding traditional schools, online college programs, scholarships, and financial - Free Scholarship Search! Search from nearly 4 million scholarships, along with other financial aid, including grants and internships, totaling nearly $6 billion. ... Scholarship information is provided by the scholarship provider and updated - Canada's foremost web site for scholarships, student awards and bursaries.Scholarship Scams - be cautious about scholarship and financial aid scams, ads or solicitations... tagged with: college, parents, scholarship, school.Sources For Students - WARNING! ILL-PREPARED first-generation to middle class families with college-bound students, NEED to be AWARE of the financial crisis they are going to face, in the college process TODAY. Dear Parent, I don’t want to shock you but if you are not financial aid savvy to navigate through a complicated regulated system, YOU ARE IN TROUBLE.The Scholarship Page - Since 1995, The Scholarship Page has provided students, parents, teachers, and guidance counselors with information about scholarships that can be used for attending colleges or universities. Many people have been helped with their tuition, books, fees, and other costs associated with getting a higher education. We generally get our information through research and direct contact from administrators. Many programs offer money for Bachelors, Associates, Masters, or PhD degrees. Take a look at what we have listed. You might be surprised!Yconic - Scholarships and Student Community, search for scholarships in Canada. Get answers on applying to Canadian universities. Ask your questions